Kate van der Borgh
Project Website design and build

Website www.katevanderborgh.com

Kate is a copywriter and thinker, and runs bespoke workshops for brands such as Unilever and Vodafone.

Kate’s previous website was old and had stopped funtioning properly.  Tigerpink quickly redesigned and rebuilt the website, managing to save and import her blogposts whilst making it responsive for smartphones and tablets.

Tigerpink Design - Kate van der Borgh

Richard saved my bacon when my website completely fell over – he stepped in, rebuilt the site pretty much from scratch and got me back online extremely quickly. I’ve worked with him some more since then and he’s always been a great help. (Thanks, Richard!)

Kate van der Borgh


Tigerpink Design - Kate van der Borgh
Tigerpink Design - Kate van der Borgh
Tigerpink Design - Kate van der Borgh

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