Dilly Orme
Project Website design and build, Logo design

Website www.dillyorme.co.uk/

Dilly Orme is an established Interiors and Style Editor with over 25 years experience as a stylist and writer. She recently edited the Woman’s Weekly monthly craft magazine, Love To Make, a perfect bound glossy magazine with 76 to 100 pages of editorial.

Tigerpink designed Dilly’s website to showcase her work and act as a calling card for potential clients. The website is built with WordPress and features portfolio pages and a blog which Dilly updates herself.

Tigerpink Design - Dilly Orme - Laptop
I have worked with Richard for a number of years after he first designed my website in 2015. I felt he really tapped into my personality and aesthetic when designing my website and signature producing a polished product which reflected my style giving me a a really professional shopfront. Subsequently he has continued to offer a really supportive service designing beautiful business cards, a CV and rate card. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him.
Dilly Orme

Creative Director • Interior Designer / Stylist / Writer / Editor

Tigerpink Design - Dilly Orme - iPhone
Tigerpink Design - Dilly Orme - iPhone
Tigerpink Design - Dilly Orme - ipad

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