
We talk about website design, graphic design, SEO, illustration and sometimes dogs

Classic Web Design Errors To Avoid

by | Website Design

Most firms have a website, but many of them are designed by the company themselves and in the absence of specialist skills, the results can often be far from impressive.

Many websites are blighted by basic errors, some of which are extremely common. This can have serious consequences, because for many potential customers your website is one of the first ways they encounter your firm. What is said about first impressions when you meet somebody also applies to websites.

The following are among the most common errors, something that could be avoided by using the skills of experienced web designers in Surrey.

Image Errors

Having too many images makes a web page look cluttered, but you should also pay attention to picture quality. This is especially the case if you are including a picture of yourself or other staff at your firm, as poor or inappropriate pictures will convey a negative impression.

Poor Readability

The key to web design is it should be easy to read and navigate. People visit to get information and potentially become your customers. They don’t need garish colours, a lack of flow from one section to another or text published in a hue too pale to read.

Not Being Mobile Friendly

Over the last few years the proportion of web searches being made from mobiles has grown exponentially and now outnumbers those made from PCs, laptops and other devices.

Despite this, many websites are still not mobile-friendly, making them hard for phone users to read, navigate and move between pages. This can put you at a disadvantage with more than half your potential customers, so it is essential that your site is geared up for access from any kind of device.

The Wrong Codes And Formats

The really technical stuff is where the inexperienced inevitably fall down. Using non-validated code or out-of-date HTML are just a couple of the ways you can easily get it wrong without evening knowing why.

The above list is just a few of the ways a beginner can make critical mistakes with a website. Many of your competitors will drop these clangers, so if you can bring in the professionals to create a great website that looks good, is user friendly and gives a good impression, you will have a crucial advantage.


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